Informative Articles by Dr. Violetta Anninos, PhD

How to Achieve the New Year Goals with your ally Quantum Biofeedback

The New Year is for many, an opportunity to focus on areas of general self-improvement, which vary from person to person. Some will focus on health, diet and exercise, others will have to do with activating old and new behaviors, values ​​and ethical rules. Regardless of the nature of new decisions, having unique and effective strategic action guides that can support our positive goals is a priority in all areas of wellness that use stress reduction.
Perception of stress, even at levels below mental awareness, is the primary causal factor that prevents most people from achieving their goals or maintaining compliance with a wellness program. These seemingly persistent issues are, for some, the lack of subconscious benchmarks for "safe knowledge" that supports them in transitions, for "resistance to change", and other "project completion" issues that require commitment to their goal. The translation for this is that we teach the subconscious the active, non-verbal reference points, which it does not have so far in its "library" to try and help to "fill the gap" with the necessary qualities that the person states that the their lack prevents him from achieving his goals.
We can detach ourselves from our usual way, experience change and simply "observe", free from criticism (especially of ourselves), the senses we experience without putting on it any reaction of emotional value. Some people use technique as part of their spiritual education. Others have more difficulty moving their inner vision, and need a little extra support. For many, we conclude that the position of "testimony" is easier said than done, which is why an active non-verbal attachment of the relevant actions of this view (as a way of teaching a new subconscious "knowledge") , may be an important precedent or "component" that can be installed before we undertake the challenge of a new goal.
Quantum Biofeedback can be an important catalyst for supporting change on the powerful, non-verbal level where many of our deepest, subjective perceptions of stress lie, often under conscious awareness. The following practice strategies ultimately have to do with teaching "knowledge" of willpower, commitment and focus, combined with emotional detachment, energetically. Due to their non-verbal nature as "frequencies" stored in the device, they can, in theory, bypass conscious thinking and help maintain stored monkey mind effects (mind games): fear over fear, excuse on excuse, negotiation on negotiation).
This approach includes "special navigation to the power of the will" with Quantum Biofeedback panels that support increased control of impulses, left hemisphere of reason and thinking in the brain, emotional intelligence, rationalization balance and negation, cancellation, the sports program of mental / visual representation of the program "power of will", and the use of specific frequencies available to us through the central unit to create coordination with the power of will, objectivity and much more.
At an "incentive" level of emotional intelligence, people may fall short of their goals because they really do not want the new change more than the pleasure that habit gives them. Recognizing that mentally in honesty they get 20/20 of awareness, perhaps working to create a shift in the alignment of "desire" to a superconscious level should come first. It is then that we can use the "harmonic coupling" program to work through the processes of rationalization and denial that make people stuck in patterns that they know they should not want.
Although the mind and body are a system, recent research suggests that free will, or at least one of the parts of the brain where we decide to act, is located in the parietal cortex, or lobes, which also control motor functions. Patrick Haggard, a neuroscientist at University College London, says this new research is innovative because it detects free will in a specific part of the brain, allowing scientists to test it experimentally. He states that "This is extremely interesting, because until now it has been very difficult for neuroscientists to come up with the idea of intentions, desires, or will. ». Another earlier study linked the activity of the anterior lobe to the power of the will. However, as a reminder from this author, neo-plasticity has shown that different parts of the brain can "learn" how to take over or compensate for the activity of other damaged parts of the brain, so we do not need to be too reductive with the idea. that it is as easy as pushing the organic-frequency of the parietal lobe, connected to the frequencies of the "force of will".
"Denial" and "Rationalization" work closely together, keeping us stuck in behaviors we try to overcome. They also have the ability to express themselves in necessary or even positive ways. So obviously, the more insight we have into these driving forces, which may also be behind a lack of impulse control, the better we can manage them when they arise and use them to our advantage.
Attribute one's actions, views and behaviors to causes that seem superficial and valid, but which in fact have nothing to do with the truth, probably unconscious and often less credible or pleasurable causes.
When rationalization works against us → to eliminate irrational elements.
When rationalization works in our favor mentally → to have logic or compatibility with logic.
The act of refusing to comply (as with a request) (we can subconsciously "deny ourselves" over and over again, whether it is a matter of recognition or guilt)
The act of reassuring that a claim is untrue (often works as a way of thinking with addictions and traumatic losses)
A defense mechanism that denies painful thoughts (sometimes necessary for survival, but, it can also become self-destructive if prolonged)
"Denial" is a defense mechanism as first mentioned by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is confronted with a fact that he feels very uncomfortable to accept and instead rejects it, insisting that it is not true, despite the overwhelming evidence the opposite. However, denial can also act as a component of Kubler-Ross's "stages of loss" model, immediately after and / or at the same time as a shock, and therefore must be carefully considered. Instead of immediately reversing the "denial", we can work more politely and with a sensitive complexity, through the various layers of counter-active connections that are often revealed through the exercise of "harmonic coupling".
The list of top "New Year's Decisions" may seem very different to everyone on the surface, but all decisions have one thing in common: the need for focused intention, often in the form of willpower, until new behavioral habits become or natural ways of being. There are a plethora of Quantum Biofeedback protocols from multiple sources available to support cessation, weight loss and a long list of other changes. Indicatively, some Quantum Biofeedback programs that contribute to the achievement of the objectives:
Discontinuation of the Hypothalamic / Gallbladder Connection (offers support by not acting on impulses and helping to strengthen frustration tolerance)
Stimulation of Intelligence (enhances the neocortex as a whole and objectivity)
Stimulating Emotional Development (for maturity in decision making)
Stimulation of Neuro-Peptides (to support changes in the body as thoughts, habits and diet change)
Addiction Release
Anger Control, 1 and 2 (for impulse issues)
Open Mind Biofeedback - Open Mind Biofeedback (to reduce illusions, denial and rationalization)
1.) The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
2.) Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003,
3.) Jonas: Mosby’s Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (c) 2005, Elsevier.

The New Year is for many, an opportunity to focus on areas of general self-improvement, which vary from person to person. Some will focus on health, diet and exercise, others will have to do with activating old and new behaviors, values ​​and ethical rules. Regardless of the nature of new decisions, having unique and effective strategic action guides that can support our positive goals is a priority in all areas of wellness that use stress reduction.


Perception of stress, even at levels below mental awareness, is the primary causal factor that prevents most people from achieving their goals or maintaining compliance with a wellness program. These seemingly persistent issues are, for some, the lack of subconscious benchmarks for "safe knowledge" that supports them in transitions, for "resistance to change", and other "project completion" issues that require commitment to their goal. The translation for this is that we teach the subconscious the active, non-verbal reference points, which it does not have so far in its "library" to try and help to "fill the gap" with the necessary qualities that the person states that the their lack prevents him from achieving his goals.


We can detach ourselves from our usual way, experience change and simply "observe", free from criticism (especially of ourselves), the senses we experience without putting on it any reaction of emotional value. Some people use technique as part of their spiritual education. Others have more difficulty moving their inner vision, and need a little extra support. For many, we conclude that the position of "testimony" is easier said than done, which is why an active non-verbal attachment of the relevant actions of this view (as a way of teaching a new subconscious "knowledge") , may be an important precedent or "component" that can be installed before we undertake the challenge of a new goal.


Quantum Biofeedback can be an important catalyst for supporting change on the powerful, non-verbal level where many of our deepest, subjective perceptions of stress lie, often under conscious awareness. The following practice strategies ultimately have to do with teaching "knowledge" of willpower, commitment and focus, combined with emotional detachment, energetically. Due to their non-verbal nature as "frequencies" stored in the device, they can, in theory, bypass conscious thinking and help maintain stored monkey mind effects (mind games): fear over fear, excuse on excuse, negotiation on negotiation).


This approach includes "special navigation to the power of the will" with Quantum Biofeedback panels that support increased control of impulses, left hemisphere of reason and thinking in the brain, emotional intelligence, rationalization balance and negation, cancellation, the sports program of mental / visual representation of the program "power of will", and the use of specific frequencies available to us through the central unit to create coordination with the power of will, objectivity and much more.


At an "incentive" level of emotional intelligence, people may fall short of their goals because they really do not want the new change more than the pleasure that habit gives them. Recognizing that mentally in honesty they get 20/20 of awareness, perhaps working to create a shift in the alignment of "desire" to a superconscious level should come first. It is then that we can use the "harmonic coupling" program to work through the processes of rationalization and denial that make people stuck in patterns that they know they should not want.


Although the mind and body are a system, recent research suggests that free will, or at least one of the parts of the brain where we decide to act, is located in the parietal cortex, or lobes, which also control motor functions. Patrick Haggard, a neuroscientist at University College London, says this new research is innovative because it detects free will in a specific part of the brain, allowing scientists to test it experimentally. He states that "This is extremely interesting, because until now it has been very difficult for neuroscientists to come up with the idea of intentions, desires, or will. ». Another earlier study linked the activity of the anterior lobe to the power of the will. However, as a reminder from this author, neo-plasticity has shown that different parts of the brain can "learn" how to take over or compensate for the activity of other damaged parts of the brain, so we do not need to be too reductive with the idea. that it is as easy as pushing the organic-frequency of the parietal lobe, connected to the frequencies of the "force of will".


"Denial" and "Rationalization" work closely together, keeping us stuck in behaviors we try to overcome. They also have the ability to express themselves in necessary or even positive ways. So obviously, the more insight we have into these driving forces, which may also be behind a lack of impulse control, the better we can manage them when they arise and use them to our advantage.



Attribute one's actions, views and behaviors to causes that seem superficial and valid, but which in fact have nothing to do with the truth, probably unconscious and often less credible or pleasurable causes.


When rationalization works against us → to eliminate irrational elements.


When rationalization works in our favor mentally → to have logic or compatibility with logic.



The act of refusing to comply (as with a request) (we can subconsciously "deny ourselves" over and over again, whether it is a matter of recognition or guilt)


The act of reassuring that a claim is untrue (often works as a way of thinking with addictions and traumatic losses)


A defense mechanism that denies painful thoughts (sometimes necessary for survival, but, it can also become self-destructive if prolonged)


"Denial" is a defense mechanism as first mentioned by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is confronted with a fact that he feels very uncomfortable to accept and instead rejects it, insisting that it is not true, despite the overwhelming evidence the opposite. However, denial can also act as a component of Kubler-Ross's "stages of loss" model, immediately after and / or at the same time as a shock, and therefore must be carefully considered. Instead of immediately reversing the "denial", we can work more politely and with a sensitive complexity, through the various layers of counter-active connections that are often revealed through the exercise of "harmonic coupling".


The list of top "New Year's Decisions" may seem very different to everyone on the surface, but all decisions have one thing in common: the need for focused intention, often in the form of willpower, until new behavioral habits become or natural ways of being. There are a plethora of Quantum Biofeedback protocols from multiple sources available to support cessation, weight loss and a long list of other changes. Indicatively, some Quantum Biofeedback programs that contribute to the achievement of the objectives:


Discontinuation of the Hypothalamic / Gallbladder Connection (offers support by not acting on impulses and helping to strengthen frustration tolerance)

Stimulation of Intelligence (enhances the neocortex as a whole and objectivity)

Stimulating Emotional Development (for maturity in decision making)

Stimulation of Neuro-Peptides (to support changes in the body as thoughts, habits and diet change)

Addiction Release

Anger Control, 1 and 2 (for impulse issues)

Open Mind Biofeedback - Open Mind Biofeedback (to reduce illusions, denial and rationalization)


1.) The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.


2.) Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003,


3.) Jonas: Mosby’s Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (c) 2005, Elsevier.





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