Informative Articles by Dr. Violetta Anninos, PhD
Addressing Cortisol Imbalance with Quantum Biofeedback
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Φυσικοί τρόποι για να βελτιώσουμε την ψυχολογία μας
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Case Study: Diabetes One
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Many People Do not have Success with their Diets and their Nutrition Plans. Why?
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Balance your Hormones and Bowel Stress with Quantum Biofeedback
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Restore Your Microbiome and Optimize Your Health with the Help of Quantum Integrative Medicine Biofeedback
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
How to Address Adrenal Overload, Insulin Resistance, Weight Gain and Fatigue with Quantum Biofeedback
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Natural Ways to Improve your Mood
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Quantum Bioafeedback - Case Study #2
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Welcome your healthiest self with the help of Quantum Biofeedback ~ video
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
How to boost your immune system naturally using Quantum Biofeedback
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Case Study #1: M., female, 45 years old
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
How can Quantum Biofeedback help athletes
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
How Quantum Biofeedback Can Help Regulate Metabolism
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Κρατούν τα μιτοχόνδρια το μυστικό για μια μακρά και υγιή ζωή;
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
How Holistic Quantum Medical Biofeedback Helps Manage Diabetes
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Η Σημασία της Μείωσης του Στρες και Πώς να Διατηρήσετε Υγιή την Γαστρεντερική Οδό
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
How Quantum Biofeedback Unlocks the Secrets of the Mind-Body Connection
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
How Quantum Biofeedback can help with ADHD
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
How Quantum Biofeedback can help you tap into your inner potential
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Quantum Biofeedback and nutrition
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Healing properties of thyme
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
With Quantum Biofeedback make the unconscious conscious
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
How Quantum Medical Biofeedback Contributes to Diabetes Management.
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Make the unknown known
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
What do beauty and Quantum Biofeedback have in common?
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Stress and anxiety: How do they affect your brain chemistry?
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Burn out, Stress and How Quantum Biofeedback Can Help
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
See How Chronic Stress Can Increase Your Weight
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
How can Quantum Biofeedback help me?
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
How Quantum Biofeedback Helps Relieve Symptoms of Depression
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Quantum Biofeedback and Heart Health
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Protect Yourself from COVID-19 and LONG POST COVID with Quantum Biofeedback to help Improve your Immune System.
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
How Can Quantum Biofeedback Help You Alleviate the Symptoms of Tinnitus?
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Prostate Health and Quantum Medical Biofeedback
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Detecting, Reducing and Managing Stress Associated with Auto Immune, Chronic and Degenerative Diseases with Integrative Quantum Medicine Biofeedback.
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Quantum Biofeedback ally in Dealing with Migraine.
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Psychosomatically and their Treatment: How Does Quantum Biofeedback Help?
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Eating Disorders (Overeating, Bulimia, Anorexia) & Weight Management through Quantum Biofeedback.
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Suggestions for Holistic Treatment of Depression, Anxiety, Mood Disorder by COVID-19.
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Thyroid: Symptoms and Quantum Biofeedback as an alternative.
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: What is it and how is it treated?
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Dealing with Hair Loss with Quantum Biofeedback.
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Musculoskeletal System: Reduction of Chronic Pain and Inflammation
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Eye Diseases and the Reversal of Aging-Related Degenerative Diseases.
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
How to Achieve the New Year Goals with your ally Quantum Biofeedback
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Quantum Biofeedback and Relief of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms.
Published in the website: 04-03-2025
Nerve Nutrition Science: The Nutrition of the Brain and Body
Published in the website: 27-02-2025
Stress and the Immune System: How Quantum Biofeedback Helps
Published in the website: 27-02-2025
Musculoskeletal System: Reduce Chronic Pain and Inflammation with Quantum Biofeedback
Published in the website: 16-03-2021
Quantum Biofeedback and Heart Health
Published in the website: 17-07-2020
Learning to react to stress in a healthy way with Quantum Biofeedback helps alleviate depression symptoms
Published in the website: 03-05-2020
How Quantum Biofeedback can help with psychosomatic disorders.
Published in the website: 02-02-2020
Computerized Integrative Quantum Medicine and Molecular Biology can help you overcome your thyroid issues
Published in the website: 02-02-2020
How Quantum Biofeedback alleviates asthma?
Published in the website: 02-02-2020
How Quantum Biofeedback Helps Improve your Immune System
Published in the website: 02-02-2020
Published in the website: 23-09-2019
How Can Quantum Biofeedback Sessions Help You Reduce your High Blood Pressure?
Published in the website: 13-02-2019
Published in the website: 24-10-2017
Published in the website: 10-07-2017
The EDUCTOR-The Best in Computerized Integrative Quantum Medicine
Published in the website: 21-06-2017
Το άγνωστο γίνεται γνωστό μέσω Κβαντικής Βιο-Ανάδρασης
Published in the website: 14-06-2017
Έλεγχος Βάρους με την Κβαντική Βιο-Ανάδραση
Published in the website: 27-04-2016
What Is The Scientific Basis For Quantum Biofeedback?
Published in the website: 19-04-2016
What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV)?
Published in the website: 19-01-2016
Do You Feel Low, have Chronic Fatigue?
Published in the website: 19-01-2016
Arthritis and Quantum Biofeedback with the SCIO/INDIGO/EDUCTOR
Published in the website: 19-01-2016
What is Quantum Biofeedback
Published in the website: 29-04-2015
Fatigued, foggy and fed up with pain and stiffness? Candida may be the culprit
Published in the website: 13-05-2014
Importance of Reducing Stress and Maintaining a Healthy Gastrointestinal Tract
Published in the website: 18-12-2013
Here’s How Chronic Stress May Be Making you Fat
Published in the website: 22-11-2013
What is Computerized Integrative Quantum Medicine and Quantum Biofeedback all About?
Published in the website: 17-04-2013
Have you Heard about Quantum Biofeedback
Published in the website: 27-02-2013
Published in the website: 20-02-2013
INDIGO cares
Published in the website: 23-12-2011
Quantum Biofeedback List
Published in the website: 15-11-2011
Crystal Biofeedback
Published in the website: 15-11-2011
Published in the website: 25-07-2011
Eternale Relax. Rejuvenate. Recharge
Published in the website: 27-06-2011
INDIGO 5 5 11 Version
Published in the website: 23-06-2011
The Simply INDIGO program
Published in the website: 23-06-2011
EternaleTM in the News
Published in the website: 22-06-2011
Published in the website: 22-06-2011
Self Esteem
Published in the website: 22-06-2011
Published in the website: 22-06-2011
Appearance Enhancement
Published in the website: 22-06-2011
Published in the website: 22-06-2011
Weight Loss
Published in the website: 22-06-2011
Published in the website: 22-06-2011
Published in the website: 22-06-2011
The EternaleTM Experience
Published in the website: 22-06-2011
Youthful - Antiaging - Beauty Profile
Published in the website: 22-06-2011
Weight Loss and the Power of the Mind
Published in the website: 12-05-2011
Ανακούφιση από το στρες
Published in the website: 19-01-2011
Τι προκαλεί στρες
Published in the website: 19-01-2011
The Quantum Wellness Diet
Published in the website: 16-11-2010
Anti - Smoking Program | Learn About Health Risks of Tobacco Use:
Published in the website: 06-10-2010
Put an end to your economic crisis!!!
Published in the website: 04-06-2010
Quantum Creative Transformation and Anti-Aging Through Universal Consciousness
Published in the website: 04-05-2010