Informative Articles by Dr. Violetta Anninos, PhD

Addressing Cortisol Imbalance with Quantum Biofeedback

Φυσικοί τρόποι για να βελτιώσουμε την ψυχολογία μας

Case Study: Diabetes One

Many People Do not have Success with their Diets and their Nutrition Plans. Why?

Balance your Hormones and Bowel Stress with Quantum Biofeedback

Restore Your Microbiome and Optimize Your Health with the Help of Quantum Integrative Medicine Biofeedback

How to Address Adrenal Overload, Insulin Resistance, Weight Gain and Fatigue with Quantum Biofeedback

Natural Ways to Improve your Mood

Quantum Bioafeedback - Case Study #2

Welcome your healthiest self with the help of Quantum Biofeedback ~ video

How to boost your immune system naturally using Quantum Biofeedback

Case Study #1: M., female, 45 years old

How can Quantum Biofeedback help athletes

How Quantum Biofeedback Can Help Regulate Metabolism

Κρατούν τα μιτοχόνδρια το μυστικό για μια μακρά και υγιή ζωή;

How Holistic Quantum Medical Biofeedback Helps Manage Diabetes

Η Σημασία της Μείωσης του Στρες και Πώς να Διατηρήσετε Υγιή την Γαστρεντερική Οδό

How Quantum Biofeedback Unlocks the Secrets of the Mind-Body Connection

How Quantum Biofeedback can help with ADHD

How Quantum Biofeedback can help you tap into your inner potential

Quantum Biofeedback and nutrition

Healing properties of thyme


With Quantum Biofeedback make the unconscious conscious

How Quantum Medical Biofeedback Contributes to Diabetes Management.

Make the unknown known

What do beauty and Quantum Biofeedback have in common?

Stress and anxiety: How do they affect your brain chemistry?

Burn out, Stress and How Quantum Biofeedback Can Help

See How Chronic Stress Can Increase Your Weight

How can Quantum Biofeedback help me?

How Quantum Biofeedback Helps Relieve Symptoms of Depression

Quantum Biofeedback and Heart Health

Protect Yourself from COVID-19 and LONG POST COVID with Quantum Biofeedback to help Improve your Immune System.

How Can Quantum Biofeedback Help You Alleviate the Symptoms of Tinnitus?

Prostate Health and Quantum Medical Biofeedback

Detecting, Reducing and Managing Stress Associated with Auto Immune, Chronic and Degenerative Diseases with Integrative Quantum Medicine Biofeedback.

Quantum Biofeedback ally in Dealing with Migraine.

Psychosomatically and their Treatment: How Does Quantum Biofeedback Help?

Eating Disorders (Overeating, Bulimia, Anorexia) & Weight Management through Quantum Biofeedback.

Suggestions for Holistic Treatment of Depression, Anxiety, Mood Disorder by COVID-19.

Thyroid: Symptoms and Quantum Biofeedback as an alternative.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: What is it and how is it treated?

Dealing with Hair Loss with Quantum Biofeedback.

Musculoskeletal System: Reduction of Chronic Pain and Inflammation

Eye Diseases and the Reversal of Aging-Related Degenerative Diseases.

How to Achieve the New Year Goals with your ally Quantum Biofeedback

Quantum Biofeedback and Relief of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms.

Nerve Nutrition Science: The Nutrition of the Brain and Body

Stress and the Immune System: How Quantum Biofeedback Helps

Musculoskeletal System: Reduce Chronic Pain and Inflammation with Quantum Biofeedback

Quantum Biofeedback and Heart Health

Learning to react to stress in a healthy way with Quantum Biofeedback helps alleviate depression symptoms

How Quantum Biofeedback can help with psychosomatic disorders.

Computerized Integrative Quantum Medicine and Molecular Biology can help you overcome your thyroid issues

How Quantum Biofeedback alleviates asthma?

How Quantum Biofeedback Helps Improve your Immune System


How Can Quantum Biofeedback Sessions Help You Reduce your High Blood Pressure?



The EDUCTOR-The Best in Computerized Integrative Quantum Medicine

Το άγνωστο γίνεται γνωστό μέσω Κβαντικής Βιο-Ανάδρασης

Έλεγχος Βάρους με την Κβαντική Βιο-Ανάδραση

What Is The Scientific Basis For Quantum Biofeedback?

What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV)?

Do You Feel Low, have Chronic Fatigue?

Arthritis and Quantum Biofeedback with the SCIO/INDIGO/EDUCTOR

What is Quantum Biofeedback

Fatigued, foggy and fed up with pain and stiffness? Candida may be the culprit

Importance of Reducing Stress and Maintaining a Healthy Gastrointestinal Tract

Here’s How Chronic Stress May Be Making you Fat

What is Computerized Integrative Quantum Medicine and Quantum Biofeedback all About?

Have you Heard about Quantum Biofeedback


INDIGO cares

Quantum Biofeedback List

Crystal Biofeedback


Eternale Relax. Rejuvenate. Recharge

INDIGO 5 5 11 Version

The Simply INDIGO program

EternaleTM in the News


Self Esteem


Appearance Enhancement


Weight Loss



The EternaleTM Experience

Youthful - Antiaging - Beauty Profile

Weight Loss and the Power of the Mind

Ανακούφιση από το στρες

Τι προκαλεί στρες

The Quantum Wellness Diet

Anti - Smoking Program | Learn About Health Risks of Tobacco Use:

Put an end to your economic crisis!!!

Quantum Creative Transformation and Anti-Aging Through Universal Consciousness