Informative Articles by Dr. Violetta Anninos, PhD

Quantum Biofeedback and Heart Health

Heart rhythm problems occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate heartbeats do not work properly and cause the heart to flutter [1].
If one experiences heart fluttering, the first step is to get a diagnosis from a doctor and diagnostic tests to make sure it is not a serious medical condition especially if it is accompanied by shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness or chest pain. Not all cases of heart-fluttering mean that one has a pathological heart condition. Many times heart fluttering may be caused by other factors such as toxicities, emotional, mental or environmental stressors, anxiety, panic attacks, illness, hormonal imbalances such as overactive or underactive thyroid [2], dehydration, anemia, overeating ( especially after heavy meals rich in carbohydrates, sugar, or fat. Eating foods with a lot of monosodium glutamate (MSG), nitrates, or too much sodium), hypoglycemia, hypotension, fever, vitamin, mineral, amino acid or essential fatty acid imbalances, pregnancy or vigorous physical activity.
Η σημασία της σωστής ενυδάτωσης.
Not drinking enough water affects the heart and can lead to conditions like irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, stroke, or heart attack. With Quantum Biofeedback we measure the hydration at the cellular level. Blood contains water, so when one becomes dehydrated at the cellular level, the blood becomes thicker. This makes blood vessel walls constrict which can cause hypertension or high blood pressure, and strains the heart because the thicker the blood is, the harder the heart has to work to move it through the veins. That can increase the pulse rate and potentially cause heart flutter. Hypohydration at the cellular level not only impairs mental, physical performance, but also cardiovascular health [3].
Stress can trigger or worsen heart abnormalities.
That’s because stress and excitement can make adrenaline and cortisol rise.
Quantum Biofeedback therapy’s goal is to teach and train the body control of involuntary physiological processes – both mental and physical (psychosomatic) – that can detect stress, and reduce stress which is a contributing factor in over 80% of health conditions. (The National Institute of Health says 80% of all medical conditions are caused by stress.)
Electrical signals are important for the proper functioning of the heart.
Electrolytes are important to help move electrical signals throughout the body. We are a body electric. Everything is energy. Some electrolytes that are important for heart health include:
Electrolytes must be in balance for stabilization of the heart. Quantum Biofeedback is considered a mind-body technique in which individuals learn how to modify their physiology to improve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health [4].
Causes of heart flutters are unique for each person..
That is why it is important to do a Quantum Biofeedback Scan which includes an evaluation of 35 pages an assessment of what stressors can cause heart abnormalities. Computerized Digital Quantum Medical Technology measures various internal body functions such as galvanic skin resistance (GSR), heart rate variability (HRV), brain waves and EMG and with the use of that information coaches and trains clients to improve a wide variety of physical and emotional challenges as well as to improve Heart and Brain Coherence. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a reflection of the autonomic nervous system: sympathetic and parasympathetic, vagus nerve activity, and circulating hormones [5]. How does this mind-body intervention work? Quantum Biofeedback therapy helps by reducing a wide range of symptoms by lowering sympathetic arousal so you are in a more parasympathetic mode. With Quantum Biofeedback we can measure the heart rate variability brain rate variability and EMG before and after the training session and see the percentage of improvement by regulating unconscious bodily processes and better-controlling stress responses. Thus, the client begins to move in a healthier direction.

Heart rhythm problems occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate heartbeats do not work properly and cause the heart to flutter [1].


If one experiences heart fluttering, the first step is to get a diagnosis from a doctor and diagnostic tests to make sure it is not a serious medical condition especially if it is accompanied by shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness or chest pain. Not all cases of heart-fluttering mean that one has a pathological heart condition. Many times heart fluttering may be caused by other factors such as toxicities, emotional, mental or environmental stressors, anxiety, panic attacks, illness, hormonal imbalances such as overactive or underactive thyroid [2], dehydration, anemia, overeating ( especially after heavy meals rich in carbohydrates, sugar, or fat. Eating foods with a lot of monosodium glutamate (MSG), nitrates, or too much sodium), hypoglycemia, hypotension, fever, vitamin, mineral, amino acid or essential fatty acid imbalances, pregnancy or vigorous physical activity.


The importance of proper hydration.

Not drinking enough water affects the heart and can lead to conditions like irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, stroke, or heart attack. With Quantum Biofeedback we measure the hydration at the cellular level. Blood contains water, so when one becomes dehydrated at the cellular level, the blood becomes thicker. This makes blood vessel walls constrict which can cause hypertension or high blood pressure, and strains the heart because the thicker the blood is, the harder the heart has to work to move it through the veins. That can increase the pulse rate and potentially cause heart flutter. Hypohydration at the cellular level not only impairs mental, physical performance, but also cardiovascular health [3].


Stress can trigger or worsen heart abnormalities.

That’s because stress and excitement can make adrenaline and cortisol rise.


Quantum Biofeedback therapy’s goal is to teach and train the body control of involuntary physiological processes – both mental and physical (psychosomatic) – that can detect stress, and reduce stress which is a contributing factor in over 80% of health conditions. (The National Institute of Health says 80% of all medical conditions are caused by stress.)


Electrical signals are important for the proper functioning of the heart.

Electrolytes are important to help move electrical signals throughout the body. We are a body electric. Everything is energy. Some electrolytes that are important for heart health include:


  • potassium
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • sodium

Electrolytes must be in balance for stabilization of the heart. Quantum Biofeedback is considered a mind-body technique in which individuals learn how to modify their physiology to improve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health [4].


Causes of heart flutters are unique for each person..

That is why it is important to do a Quantum Biofeedback Scan which includes an evaluation of 35 pages an assessment of what stressors can cause heart abnormalities. Computerized Digital Quantum Medical Technology measures various internal body functions such as galvanic skin resistance (GSR), heart rate variability (HRV), brain waves and EMG and with the use of that information coaches and trains clients to improve a wide variety of physical and emotional challenges as well as to improve Heart and Brain Coherence. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a reflection of the autonomic nervous system: sympathetic and parasympathetic, vagus nerve activity, and circulating hormones [5]. How does this mind-body intervention work? Quantum Biofeedback therapy helps by reducing a wide range of symptoms by lowering sympathetic arousal so you are in a more parasympathetic mode. With Quantum Biofeedback we can measure the heart rate variability brain rate variability and EMG before and after the training session and see the percentage of improvement by regulating unconscious bodily processes and better-controlling stress responses. Thus, the client begins to move in a healthier direction.


Sources: #mce_temp_url# #mce_temp_url# #mce_temp_url#

US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Retrieved from: https: 4 //

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